Friday 3 June 2011

Hoping for Sunny Sunday.

Hello Lovely People!!

What wet weather we have had here in the Blue Mountains these past week.. and what personal challenges the weather has brought with it.  My work space is not insulated or warm or as I have discovered totally water proof!  So my work has come inside, and once again grown like a vine of fabric scraps, fluff and way too many dress pins all over my house!..

Having said that I am ready to take 41Things to this Sunday.  We have such rugged weather here in the Upper Mountains so the market goes on rain, hail, shine (or snow)  So rug up and come and have a look.  It is so important to us local crafters to have your support and it is a fantastic support to Leura Public School.

The Markets are under new management who I have had lovely chats with, it is our hope to make our market the best in the Mountains with more high quality designers and artists.  But it cant happen with out you!

Its now 7am and I am about to start the enormous task of tidying my creative mess,  Perhaps I should uses one of my 41Things pin cushions, instead of letting them fall all around like the leaves of autumn.

Monday 30 May 2011

Where is the inspiration?

Hello Friends of 41 Things.

I have been thinking a lot lately about the creative process.  I think all people that make things will understand that sometimes it what you're making just grows... and other times it needs to be nurtured, looked after, feed, petted, yelled at, thrown on the floor, given up on and then nurtured again.

For me, I find my frame of mind has so much to do with the creative process.   Sometimes I am simply a maker going through the motions, this is the least of my favourite creative personalities.  Sometimes I am like a sorcerer, I feel the magic between my fingers as I manipulate and change what I have in my hands, I love watching what ever it is I am making come to life before my eyes.. 

Lately though.. I need inspiration and although I find it in so many things... my reoccurring helper over the past week or so, is Arrnotts Scotch finger biscuits, and a cup of Tea. (note picture of Happy High Tea Cat to the right)  I know it sounds silly.  I simply can not work without them on my table.  Mostly I don't eat them and I find myself continually  finding my Tea cold and icky.  But, for some reason I am comforted when they are here with me, like companions full of encouragement letting me know that I can keep going and one day good things will come.